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Write-In Policy


The League of Women Voters of Sudbury will include write-in candidates in our annual Candidates’ Forum under these conditions:


  • There is a vacant office because no one filed during the official candidate filing period or because a candidate withdrew.

  • A write-in candidate provides written notification to the Town Clerk’s office, and/or in the case of the Lincoln-Sudbury Regional School Committee, the Lincoln-Sudbury District Clerk, of their intention to be a write-in candidate by a deadline date set by the Sudbury League. Note that write-in candidates are not required to file intentions and there is no deadline to be a write-in candidate. This requirement is only to participate in the League’s Candidates’ Forum.

  • A write-in candidate is making efforts to inform voters of their candidacy, such as a website, Facebook page, letter to editor and/or signs.

The Sudbury League will not include write-in candidates in its Candidates’ Forum for offices when there are candidates for those offices who have completed the signature-gathering and filing process. Write- in candidates will be invited to participate in the forum only if there are no candidates for an office after the filing process has closed.



Adopted February 19, 2020.

Comments, suggestions, questions?  Contact us!

League of Women Voters of Sudbury
PO Box 338
Sudbury, MA 01776

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Disclaimer: All links to other web sites are provided for your convenience only. The League of Women Voters of Sudbury exercises no control of the information or opinions contained on them. Provision of these links on our site does not indicate an endorsement of their contents by the LWV of Sudbury.

© Copyright League of Women Voters of Sudbury, Massachusetts. All rights reserved.

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