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Last Chance for Candidates’ Forum Questions

All candidates in contested races for Select Board and the two school committees have confirmed their participation in the League of Women Voters 69th annual Candidates’ Forum, and Sudbury residents have until 5 p.m. Monday, Feb. 24, to submit questions for those candidates.


Email questions for the contested races to, or mail them to Candidates’ Forum, LWV Sudbury, P. O. Box 338, Sudbury, MA 01776. Questions on the same topic may be combined for the forum. The identity of those asking a question will not be disclosed. Questions will be asked of all candidates, so questions specific to individuals will not be considered.


The Candidates’ Forum for contested races is three separate programs, one for each race. Candidates will answer questions for an hour. There is no live program. The recorded programs will be available on SudburyTV cable channels and video-on-demand starting in early March. The election is Monday, March 31.


Candidates in uncontested races will be featured in a separate program; they will discuss the office they seek and why they are running.


The Select Board candidates for the two open seats are Radha Gargeya, Lisa Kouchakdjian and Kevin Matthews.


Candidates running for the single two-year seat on the Sudbury School Committee (SPS) are Elizabeth Sues and Allison Vanderels.


The three candidates running for two seats on the Lincoln-Sudbury Regional District School Committee are Charles Morton, IV, Eric Poch and John Ryan, Jr.


To ask questions of the candidates in person, Sudbury residents are invited to attend the League’s Meet the Candidates drop-in event at the Goodnow Library Sunday, March 16, 2 to 4 p.m. Stop by and talk to the candidates.


Residents have one month left to register to vote in the March 31 Annual Town Election. The last day to register is Friday, March 21. You can check your registration status and register online to vote at You can also register in person at the Town Clerk’s office in Town Hall, 322 Concord Rd., or by mail. Download a registration application here.


If you want to vote by mail in the election, you need to apply for a mail ballot. Applications from 2024 have expired. You can find the application form here.



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League of Women Voters of Sudbury
PO Box 338
Sudbury, MA 01776

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