Check your voter registration now to be sure that it is up to date and no changes are needed. If you have recently moved or changed your name, your registration may need to be updated. The deadline to register to vote in the March 31 annual town election is Friday, March 21.
If you will become a naturalized citizen after March 21, contact the Town Clerk for your registration deadline.
The League of Women Voters is offering two opportunities to learn more about the election and to register or check your registration in person.
There will be an LWV voter registration and information table in the lower atrium of the Goodnow Library Tuesday, March 11, from noon to 4 p.m. This event is offered in partnership with the Goodnow Library.
Voter registration and information will also be available at the Meet the Candidates drop-in event at the Goodnow Library Sunday, March 16, from 2 to 4 p.m.
You can check your registration status and register online to vote at You can also register in person at the Town Clerk’s office in Town Hall, 322 Concord Rd., or by mail. Download a registration application here.
Mail ballots for the town election will be sent from the Town Clerk’s office starting the week of March 10. If you want to vote by mail, you need to apply for a mail ballot. Applications from 2024 have expired. You can find the application form here. Applications must be received in the clerk’s office by Monday, March 24, but it is advisable to apply as soon as possible to allow time for the ballot to be mailed to you and to return it. Details on voting by mail are on the Town Clerk’s website here.
You can find information about accessible voting here.